Friday, November 13, 2009

New Nature Trail

1. Much cleaner
2. Trail is more defined.
3. Less pricker bushes making the trail safer
4. The signs were much cleaner
5. The trail is wider as well.

6. cross country course
7. learning center for all grades
8. safe place to walk for the children
9. Great for high school natural studies
10. Great to sell wood for school money

11. great for walking
12. bike riding
13. Sell wood
14. the trail can be used as a place to bring children
15. camping


I did make or attempted to make a NASA website but i was unable due to the computers lack of processing power as well as a bad internet connection. I did find a lot of very cool articles that i read though.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


1. light curves- a. used to messure planets mass and size by astronomers seeing the light.
b. 100% on quiz
2. dark matter - the blackness that we see in space. Made of weakly interactive massive particles that absorb enough light to the point where we cant see it.
b. 100%
3. Black hole-a. 50 times bigger than our sun and strong enough to bend light. thought to be able to slow time
b. no quiz but i would have gotten 100%
4. x-ray telescope-a. these telescopes can messure engergy emitted from stars and other powerful objects in space.
b. 100%

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nature Trail Blog

On the trail we saw many different species of plants as well as many different forms of pollution. We saw young trees, old trees, and trees in between. The pollution and dirt we found was composed of old dead trees as well as bottles and other garbage. It is very dirty, the signs are illegible due to the layers of dirt and grime. I will be going on saturday to help clean up the trail to make it back to the former glory that it once was.

Friday, October 23, 2009

bio bottle

Cody is going to have the control in the experiment. In our bottles we are going to have soil, water, and a few chosen worms. We may put a fish in or not but we haven't decided yet. In my bottle though I am putting in pieces of a broken keyboard. We will see what the effect is on the biobottles.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 climate blog

Hurricanes-These are tropical storms that have a low pressure center. They cause high winds and precipitation. Their strength is increased over warmer waters. With global climate change the water is getting warmer and therefore the hurricanes are becoming more powerful than they used to be.

Tornados-These are violent wind vortexes that are often seen with debris around them. They are caused by mesoclones. These are created by low pressure and wind rising at the same time. The tornados have been seen on every continent except anarctica but mostly occur in the U.S. and mostly in tornado alley in the U.S.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Project Progress

We haven't gotten very far yet with our project. We're still thinking of ways to execute our plan. We know that we want to get more people recycling electronics but we dont know how to explain why. We are brain storming how to get more people aware of why they should recycle electronics and how to recycle them.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

green wish 2

My second green wish is to have the students and teachers in the building to bring all dead batteries to school so we can get them together for recycling.

With the batteries being recycled the acid does not get disposed of into water or ground. The metals being used in it can be recycled and used in other batteries or objects.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The equinox happens twice a year. This means everyone on the planet gets exactly 12 hours of daytime and 12 hours of night time. This happens in spring and in fall. The earths tilt during the equinox is neglegable because the equator is directly facing the sun.

Monday, September 14, 2009

People picked up cigarrette butts to help protect the environment. Doing so removed the toxins from the environment. This made it safer for wild life to live without eating or consuming the toxic butts. They removed over 40 pounds of cigarette butts. This means the number 1 form of litter in the U.S. was removed from this comunity.

Another group of students helped stop graffitti. They did this by identifying the areas where it happens and educating the people there. They made an interactive game and brochure that helped their cause and helped decrease the amount of graffiti in the community. The students also educated other students why they shouldn't tag and it also helped reduce the amount of grafitit in the community.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Green Wish

Everyone who lives in a one mile radius of the school should walk to school.